seccs package

Module contents

sec-cs — the SECure Content Store.

This module provides an implementation of the secure content store data structure introduced in [LS16].

sec-cs allows secure and efficient storage of contents in an existing key-value database, providing the following features:

  • Confidentiality:
    Stored contents are securely encrypted using a symmetric key.
  • Authenticity:
    sec-cs guarantees authenticity of all stored contents, irrespective of gurantees of the underlying database.
  • Storage Efficiency:
    Data deduplication strategies are applied to all stored contents. When storing new contents, overlapping parts of existing contents are automatically reused as to avoid redundancy. Storage costs of an n-bytes content that differs only slightly from an existing content are in O(log n).


The only sec-cs implementation currently included in this module is called SecCSLite. While it is likely suitable for many projects and can be used as is, it is actually intended as a base class for a much more powerful variant, SecCS, which makes some slight changes to the internal storage structure and will be published in the near future.


[LS16](1, 2) Dominik Leibenger and Christoph Sorge (2016). sec-cs: Getting the Most out of Untrusted Cloud Storage. arXiv:1606.03368
class seccs.SecCSLite(chunk_size, database, crypto_wrapper, chunking_strategy=None, reference_counter=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Secure Content Store lite.

Basic implementation of the Secure Content Store data structure, supports only insertion (put), retrieval (get) and deletion (delete) of contents.

  • chunk_size (int) – Target chunk size, i.e., expected size of all chunks stored in the database.
  • database – Persistent database used as backend. Can be any object with a dict-like interface, i.e., any object implementing the operations __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__ and __contains__.
  • crypto_wrapper (crypto_wrapper.BaseCryptoWrapper) – Crypto wrapper object that specifies cryptographic operations to be applied to data stored in the database.
  • chunking_strategy (Optional[fastchunking.BaseChunkingStrategy]) – Chunking strategy that shall be applied to contents. Defaults to Rabin-Karp-based content defined chunking with 48-bytes window size.
  • reference_counter (Optional[seccs.rc.BaseReferenceCounter]) – Reference counting strategy. By default, reference counters are stored in database under keys key || “r”, where key is the key whose references are counted.
  • **kwargs

    Extra keyword arguments that you should NOT use unless you really, really know what you are doing, e.g.:

    • length_to_height_fn: Function that resolves content lengths to appropriate chunk tree heights. May be used to modify the multi-level chunking approach performed by default, e.g., to degrade it to single-level chunking or similar.
    • height_to_chunk_size_fn: Function that computes the target chunk size for a specific level (height) of a chunk tree. May be used to create imbalanced chunk trees.

seccs.UnsupportedChunkSizeError – If the chosen chunk size would create superchunk nodes with less than two expected children as efficiency guarantees would fail in this case (see [LS16]).

delete_content(k, ignore_rc=False)[source]

Delete a content from the data structure.

Decreases the content’s reference counter and deletes its root chunk (possibly including children) if no references are left.

  • k (str) – The digest under which the content is stored.
  • ignore_rc (Optional[bool]) – If True, decrease of reference counter of the root node is skipped and root node (possibly including children) is deleted straight away.

Retrieve a content from the data structure.

Parameters:k (str) – The digest under which the content is stored.
Returns:The content bytestring.
Return type:str
put_content(m, ignore_rc=False)[source]

Insert a content into the data structure.

  • m (str) – The message or content that shall be processed and inserted into the data structure.
  • ignore_rc (Optional[bool]) – If True, increase of reference counter for the root node of the generated chunk tree is skipped. Defaults to False.

Digest of the content that allows its retrieval using get_content().

Return type:


put_content_and_check_if_new(m, ignore_rc=False)[source]

Insert a content into the data structure.

Like put_content(), but return value includes information whether the content had been in the data structure before.

  • m (str) – The message or content that shall be processed and inserted into the data structure.
  • ignore_rc (Optional[bool]) – If True, increase of reference counter for the root node of the generated chunk tree is skipped. Defaults to False.

(digest, is_new), where digest is the content’s digest that allows its retrieval using get_content(), and is_new is True if the content has been inserted for the first time and False if it had existed before.

Return type:


exception seccs.UnsupportedChunkSizeError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when trying to instantiate SecCS with an unsupported chunk size.


seccs.crypto_wrapper module

Crypto wrapper implementations.

A crypto wrapper encapsulates all cryptographic operations that have to be applied to node representations before they can be safely inserted into the (untrusted) database, e.g., encryption and authentication. It defines the keys (digests) under which (wrapped) node representations are stored and specifies how node representations can be extracted from (digest, value) pairs stored in the database.

This module includes several crypto wrapper implementations with different security properties.

class seccs.crypto_wrapper.AES_SIV_256(key)[source]

Bases: seccs.crypto_wrapper.BaseCryptoWrapper

AES-SIV-256 crypto wrapper.

Provides confidentiality and authenticity for chunk tree nodes based on a symmetric 32-bytes key specified during instantiation.

Root nodes are handled identically to inner nodes at the same level.

Nodes are represented as follows:
  • value: AES-SIV-256(<key>, <value>, additional_data=<height>)
  • digest: <digest produced by AES-SIV-256>
Parameters:key (str) – Cryptographic key used for symmetric encryption and authentication.


Requires PyCrypto >= 2.7a1.

unwrap_value(value, digest, height, is_root, length=-1)[source]

Decrypts and verifies node representation and returns the result on success.

Raises:AuthenticityError – If digest does not match.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.unwrap_value().

wrap_value(value, height, is_root)[source]

Encrypts node representation using deterministic authenticated encryption, i.e., with AES in SIV mode, including node height as additional data that is authenticated, resulting in a digest (MAC) that is used as digest and a ciphertext that is used as value.


As AES-SIV cannot encrypt empty contents, a distinguished zero digest is artifically assigned to empty node representations instead.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.wrap_value().

class seccs.crypto_wrapper.AES_SIV_256_DISTINGUISHED_ROOT(key)[source]

Bases: seccs.crypto_wrapper.AES_SIV_256

AES-SIV-256 crypto wrapper with distinguished root representation.

Provides confidentiality and authenticity for chunk tree nodes based on a symmetric 32-bytes key specified during instantiation.

Root nodes are handled differently from inner nodes at the same level.

Nodes are represented as follows:
  • value: AES-SIV-256(<key>, <value>, additional_data=<height>||<is_root>)
  • digest: <digest produced by AES-SIV-256>
Parameters:key (str) – Cryptographic key used for symmetric encryption and authentication.


Requires PyCrypto >= 2.7a1.

unwrap_value(value, digest, height, is_root, length=-1)[source]

Decrypts and verifies node representation and returns the result on success.

Raises:AuthenticityError – If digest does not match.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.unwrap_value().

wrap_value(value, height, is_root)[source]

Encrypts node representation using deterministic authenticated encryption, i.e., with AES in SIV mode, including node height and is_root flag as additional data that is authenticated, resulting in a digest (MAC) that is used as digest and a ciphertext that is used as value.

See AES_SIV_256.wrap_value().

exception seccs.crypto_wrapper.AuthenticityError[source]

Bases: seccs.crypto_wrapper.IntegrityError

Raised if an authenticity verification fails.

class seccs.crypto_wrapper.BaseCryptoWrapper[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class specifying the crypto wrapper interface.

unwrap_value(value, digest, height, is_root, length=-1)[source]

Converts the representation of a node as stored in the database (e.g., an encrypted representation) into its normal, e.g., decrypted, representation.

  • value (str) – Wrapped node representation.
  • digest (str) – Key under which the node is stored in the database.
  • height (int) – Height of the node in its chunk tree.
  • is_root (bool) – Whether or not the node is the chunk tree’s root.
  • [Optional (length) – Length of the content represented by this node. Defaults to -1.

Node representation.

Return type:


wrap_value(value, height, is_root)[source]

Converts a node representation into a (digest, value) pair that can be safely inserted into the database.

  • value (str) – The node representation.
  • height (int) – The height of the node in its chunk tree.
  • is_root (bool) – Whether or not the node is the chunk tree’s root.

(wrapped_value, digest).

Return type:


class seccs.crypto_wrapper.HMAC_SHA_256(key)[source]

Bases: seccs.crypto_wrapper.BaseCryptoWrapper

HMAC-SHA-256 crypto wrapper.

Provides authenticity for chunk tree nodes based on a symmetric 32-bytes key specified during instantiation.

Root nodes are handled identically to inner nodes at the same level.

Nodes are represented as follows:
  • value: <value>
  • digest: HMAC-SHA-256(<key>, <height> || <value>)
Parameters:key (str) – Cryptographic key used for symmetric authentication.
unwrap_value(value, digest, height, is_root, length=-1)[source]

Verifies SHA-256-based HMAC and returns node representation on success.

Raises:AuthenticityError – If digest does not match.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.unwrap_value().

wrap_value(value, height, is_root)[source]

Uses SHA-256-based HMAC of node representation and height as digest and value as is.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.wrap_value().

class seccs.crypto_wrapper.HMAC_SHA_256_DISTINGUISHED_ROOT(key)[source]

Bases: seccs.crypto_wrapper.HMAC_SHA_256

HMAC-SHA-256 crypto wrapper with distinguished root representation.

Provides authenticity for chunk tree nodes based on a symmetric 32-bytes key specified during instantiation.

Root nodes are handled differently from inner nodes at the same level.

Nodes are represented as follows:
  • value: <value>
  • digest: HMAC-SHA-256(<key>, <height> || <is_root> || <value>)
Parameters:key (str) – Cryptographic key used for symmetric authentication.
unwrap_value(value, digest, height, is_root, length=-1)[source]

Verifies SHA-256-based HMAC and returns node representation on success.

Raises:AuthenticityError – If digest does not match.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.unwrap_value().

wrap_value(value, height, is_root)[source]

Uses SHA-256-based HMAC of node representation, height and is_root flag as digest and value as is.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.wrap_value().

exception seccs.crypto_wrapper.IntegrityError[source]

Bases: exceptions.ValueError

Raised if an integrity verification fails.

class seccs.crypto_wrapper.SHA_256[source]

Bases: seccs.crypto_wrapper.BaseCryptoWrapper

SHA-256 crypto wrapper.

Provides integrity for chunk tree nodes.

Nodes are represented as follows:
  • value: <value>
  • digest: SHA-256(<value>)
unwrap_value(value, digest, height, is_root, length=-1)[source]

Verifies SHA-256 hash and returns node representation on success.

Raises:IntegrityError – If digest does not match.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.unwrap_value().

wrap_value(value, height, is_root)[source]

Uses SHA-256 hash of node representation as digest and value as is.

See BaseCryptoWrapper.wrap_value().

seccs.rc module

Simple reference counter implementations.

class seccs.rc.BaseReferenceCounter[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for reference counters.


Abstract decrement interface.

Parameters:key – Key whose reference counter shall be decremented.
Returns:Number of references of key after decrement.

Abstract get interface.

Parameters:key – Key whose reference counter shall be retrieved.
Returns:Number of references of key.

Abstract increment interface.

Parameters:key – Key whose reference counter shall be incremented.
Returns:Number of references of key after increment.
class seccs.rc.DatabaseReferenceCounter(database)[source]

Bases: seccs.rc.BaseReferenceCounter

Database-backed reference counter.

Uses a given database to store reference counters. The reference counter of an element key is stored as follows:

  • If its value is 0, key is not stored in the database.
  • If its value is > 0, its int value is stored in the database under key.
Parameters:database – Database object with a dict-like interface, i.e., implementing the operations __getitem__, __setitem__ and __delitem__.

Decrementes reference counter of key.

See BaseReferenceCounter.dec().


Gets reference counter of key.

See BaseReferenceCounter.get().


Incrementes reference counter of key.


class seccs.rc.KeySuffixDatabaseReferenceCounter(database, suffix)[source]

Bases: seccs.rc.DatabaseReferenceCounter

Database-backed reference counter.

Similar to DatabaseReferenceCounter, but the reference counter of a key is not stored directly under key, but under key || suffix.

  • database – Database object with a dict-like interface, i.e., implementing the operations __getitem__, __setitem__ and __delitem__.
  • suffix – Suffix for keys.

Decrementes reference counter of key.

See DatabaseReferenceCounter.dec().


Gets reference counter of key.

See DatabaseReferenceCounter.get().


Incrementes reference counter of key.


class seccs.rc.NoReferenceCounter[source]

Bases: seccs.rc.BaseReferenceCounter

Non-counting reference counter, always returns 1 for any key.

Can be used to disable reference counting where a reference counter is required.


Decrement interface.


Get interface.


Increment interface.
